WHY { INSERT CURSE WORD } are men not consistent?
Shit is mad annoying. It's like you meet a girl, try ya best to get her attention, do this do that, wife her, and then...SPLAT the excitment of it all is over. It's just all so fake to me. People will say whatever the hell they gotta do to get with ya ass and once they got you, that's it. Yo I'm tired of being the nice girlfriend to EVERYONE!!!! I see it over and over again, bitches get what they want and nice girls like myself...we get taken for granted...sigh
8 inspirations:
I feel u mamita!!!!1
Ugh is right!
No, no, no... It's just that sometimes people get complacent because a situation might become mundane and lose that 'spark' or whatever it was that brought y'all together. It's like what happened with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. But I'm not even gonna stunt, some 'good' girls do get caught up in that bullshit though...
Agh, that happened with me and Juice among other ish. Before we decided to be "official" we got along great, always cool, chill, stuff like that. Once we started goin out...everything went downhill from there :/. Don't worry though sis, the guy doesn't know he's missing out on a beautiful girl like yourself! Stay up!! :) I luh youuuu.
ugh..men are stupid that's why..*sigh*..Don't worry. Just stay fab and keep it moving..
I see where you're coming from , dont change. Idk how to explain. Maybe just being more smart. To see when its bullshit in the air. (Idk If That Helped, But Hit Me Up Sometime If You Need A Better Explanation)
never change who you are, only things about you that you think would make you a better you, not a better you for the benefit for someone else. they arent worth all that effort anyway. the man you want, will appreciate YOU
people take advantage of nice people .... thats the way of the world, i learned the hard way...
i miss your blog the most!!
Lol @ men being less consistent than women. Now THAT's funny
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