Tuesday, January 6, 2009

& so It goes...

So I didn't think I would be using those quotes I posted two days ago this quickly, but here I go. It's officially confirmed. Yes homey is in a relationship and that's that. Sure as hell not gonna spend MORE time of my life chasing after another man, wonder what if, how, when, all that stuff. The bottom line is, "when someone leaves your life they are no longer a part of your destiny," & he is no longer apart of mine. In fact I'm super proud of myself for just asking and now I know for sure.

Besides that...
Just chillin' with my besty, she always makes me feel better.

you guys ever heard this song?

& So It Goes

What I'm currently jamming to. Although it's sad, it always makes me feel better.

Dispite this MINOR set back...2009 is still jamming and I'm still looking forward to it.

5 inspirations:

aLwAySz said...

The "monster in the closet" wasn't so scary after all.

PS: Carry You skunt to bed ;)

dessex said...

That was a great quote. I need to write that one down

kmx. said...

Aww shucks. [ pst, who needs em?! ]
Glad to see your movin' on quickly though. Truly a strong woman!!! =D

Oh, and I think I am gonna move =/...

Sexxy Luv said...

Guess who's bizack sissy....lol

glad you found out early about ol' boy.

Simone said...

the earlier the better. a new prospect isnt a prospect yet until u find out what their weaknesses and important secrets are. kids, girlfriends, multiple personalities... lol.
