1st and foremost it's my:
Woop woop. go meeee!!! Can't believe I've been with you guys 4 quite sometime now. Thank you all for coming through everytime you do and supporting my thoughts, adventures, trials, and woes :)
Special shout outs to
Ms. Karrie B, she was sort of my inspirtation for doing a blog. I really enjoyed hers and thought, "I too may be good at this...in my own way."
Other dedicated readers such as my sissy Sexxy luv, Andre, Ms. Lovely, P.Y.T., alwaysz, Taryn, KMX, Eb, P.N., I can't compain, Stephen...the list def goes on- you are my blog.(feel like I'm accepting an award hahahA) If I didn't have you guys to reflect upon my thoughts here in blog land, it all just wouldn't be complete.
Here's to lots more post!!!
Moving on to the nexxt:
As u guys may have noticed I've been kinda mia for a bit. I've been around your
blogs and all, just haven't done that much with mine. Sure I've made post on
beyonce, songs I'm currently jamming too, & crazy psycho girl, but those are all
of the externals, what I like to call, a lil fluff.
You see, over the last two weeks,I haven't quite been myself on and off. I feel
like I have no control over my life sometimes, and I've never liked that
feeling. My life pretty much consist of 3 aspects as of now. School, my job, and
family and friends. A 4th aspect usta be somewhere in there, but
he no longer exist.
So let's see how its really been:
School- its one of those things that's solely based on how I prepare myself. If
I BS my grades are average, if I do what I need to, they're hot. Simple right? I
need to stop the BSing then, because I am not average.
Work: Work is ugh. If you guys may not know, I work for Club Monaco, its kinda
been my gig through college. Helps to pay for my apt at school, supports and
spending habbit, and helps with my bills. Usually I work at my nyc location, but
go back to Philly's location when school starts. I've been back and I hate it.
Therfore, I've decide to venture into nyc every weekend since I'm more
comfortable there, but its been a bit of a hassle.
Friends and family: no problems there :) I love those guys the most, because they
love me the most. Yesterday I met up with my BFF-since I've been at school over
the last 3 weeks. We did some light shopping ( can't stop us when we're together
lol) had some thai for dinner, and ventured home on the sucky ole nyc subway
system. Been making a ton of new friends at school too...so its great.
the 4th aspect: Like I said before, no longer exist but it still does in my heart ugh. We shall dicuss in another post, just too much to get through.
But since I've been gone for a min, here's what I've been up to:
Playing with YOSHI!!! My roomie's doggie. ♥ him
beer with the guys next door YUCK!!! beer is gross
Which included beer pong...hehe
took a trip into the city the other day with a friend to this cool music store
They had cool old records :)
even visited this mosaic house. the guy built it all on his own, on South St. from TRASH
coool chair huh?
South St. Lots of fun...
... & food!!!
Went to a football game for school: Temple University (owls) vs. Ohio
the game was in support for Breast cancer, so it was a PINK out game. U know I was in there like swim wear because I'm a woman and I love pink!!
it was hella fun and these guys were hella funny, except for the Phillies red hats ugh. Bet u can pick me out in this picture lol
we were really cold- the roomie and I- but we can still smile :)
football booty LMAO At the end of the night it was a fun game and we beat their ass allllllllll ova ESPN. WOOP WOOP!!!
It's what I've been up to! Whew!!! that was a long one :)