Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Happy Birthday Baby! I guess it's a good thing, that as I listen to this song, I laugh. It doesn't despress me at all. I think this kind of behavior warrnts us dropping that 4% to a 3% huh. Maybe not. But Still...

It's the ex's birthday. Surely not gonna call, text, IM, facebook, myspace, or any other form of communication. So i guess I'll vent wanting to say Happy Birthday here in Blog Land.
Happy Birthday Loser...Hope you choke on Birthday Cake!!!

13 inspirations:

Samson said...

With a girl I cut off but have to see everyday...I wasn't gonna senfd her shit for her B day which coincidentally is 7 days after mine till I see....Happy Birthday (via facebooks) which then caused me to return the fave...

I say that to say this...If he sent you one, shouldn't you?

Darius T. Williams said...

Um...oh wow - lol.

Anonymous said...

i hope his candles set his hair on fire.



A.M. said...

@ Andre:
Ahh no. When he turned 21 last yr and we weren't together, I CALLED HIM! Then we got back together like 2 wks later. This yr, I turned 21 in Sept...heard from his ENTIRE fam, but not he doesn't deserve shit

@Ava Dior:
Damn that's way better than my " coke on your birthday cake" LOL I likey hahah

1/3 said...

LMAO Ive had the whole ex not say happy birthday to me happen too.

Im mad u found this old song to relate lol

A.M. said...

@ 1/3:
Yea gurrl...its a really old song, and I hear my mommy sing it all the time, so it was easy for me to find it :)

Casual Butterfly said...

You've been tagged! Check my blog for instructions! :-)

aLwAySz said...

I could Neva forget my Blog Boo.
Your my number one reader and way too cute.
I just didn't have the right words to say to your recent posts. :)

Every 1 of your comments i respond back to on my blog, after i publish em.

But i'll swing by more often & in the words of Raheem *MFing* Devaugh:

"You can have it your way, your the customer"

PS: Wait till you see MY Dunzo . . .

Bloggal said...

oh god, i SO know how this feels. i've got such a love/hate relationship with my ex. when it was his birthday, i went so far as to tell his friend to tell him that i said happy birthday. i know it's all the same, but it sure as hell wasn't coming straight from my lips lol.

i think i died a little at "hope you choke on birthday cake"...LMAO!

A.M. said...

@ casual butterfly:
Will get to it as soon as I can :)

Yea u betta be coming round ;)

Yea, well he wasn't getting nada. And obviously he didn't choke on any cake cause I didn't hear anything about it ugh lol

A.M. said...

@ casual butterfly:
Will get to it as soon as I can :)

Yea u betta be coming round ;)

Yea, well he wasn't getting nada. And obviously he didn't choke on any cake cause I didn't hear anything about it ugh lol

Melody.Darlene said...

lol! happy bday to the ex! may he have an absolutely miserable day! heheh!

A.M. said...

A little birdy tells me he did :)