Friday, December 5, 2008

He said...

... You're the kind of women I want to represent me.

Someone said that to me, can't tell ya'll who hehe, and I thought it to be the sweetest thing I've ever heard. hmmm...

Anyway, I'm just here trying to get by. It's been a loooong week. Trying to wrap up school and it's no joke. 2 presentations, 3 test, four 10 page papers, and two 5 pagers. Man I hardly ever curse but


It's like professors really believe their class is ya world. Why would one person assign a final paper, exam, and presentation. Selfish!!!

Hopefully, I can get some of that done this weekend although I work everyday. I wanna see my bestfriend as well, miss her. Guess we have to see how that goes.

On a brighter note though... I'm about to start on my Christmas List. I love Christmas, don't know where I'm getting these presents from, but hey..I believe in this guy

off to your blogs I go!!!

8 inspirations:

Amber Steez said...

omg i love christmas too. i love everything about it. im so nice during this time of the year.

good luck with all the work load. end the semester strong

Anonymous said...

"You're the kind of women I want to represent me."

thats deep...

dope blog.

Anonymous said...

"You're the kind of man I want to represent me."

My boo said that almost 4 years ago....


When I visit people's blogs, I write..."dope blog"....:)

dope blog :)


Cat Hill said...

God Bless u girl...I was in the same boat last week...although I'm done Dec.11th but the thought of christmas puts everything in perspective. I mean this semester consisted of *tears*, going off on Professors (I never hide my emotions or anger) and stress. But hope u get through evrything and have a great holiday.

-Cat Hill-

Latoya said...


Bloggal said...

ohhhh hun, i really feel for you! my finals aren't nearly as bad as my midterms were (i had 8 papers total) but trust me, i know where you're coming from. best advice i've got: DON'T LOSE YOUR SANITY. i had a full blown break down during my midterms because i didn't give myself any down time. so whatever you do, give yourself a break at some point. you can only study so much.

Ash said...

Girl school is a beast during finals week. I think I'm bout to go crazy just thinking about everything that I have to do. Best of luck with finals...go hard

Eb the Celeb said...

awwee...that was super sweet